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The Wicked King by Holly Black

Review by Dorothy Requina

5 stars!

*May contain spoilers from The Cruel Prince


So this review is coming many many weeks after already finishing the story.

I still remember the feeling of my heart being blow to shreds when I finished. I still remember the feeling of my heart being twisted this way and that as Jude navigated her role as the true King and her confusing feelings for Cardan. There were a few plot twists I did not see coming early on in the book and definitely the ending. I was STUNNED. No second book slump. Though I only recall the most important events in Wicked King, which aren’t many, those parts were still really goooooood.

A this point: Still fully invested in Jude and Cardan, even more so actually after this book. Still completely hate some of the fae side character and definitely still can’t stand Jude’s twin. I still get confused by some of the motives of Locke, sort of starting to understand Nicassia, but definitely still don’t like them (which I’m sure is the author’s intention). I have developed some sort of respect for Madoc, can’t recall why right now, but I remember thinking that by the end of the book he was one of the few I started to understand.

Obviously, from that last paragraph, you can tell I’m reading this series mostly for the characters, but that doesn’t mean the plot wasn’t interesting. I’m so curious to see how Holly Black will be able to wrap up all these loose ends and betrayals that we all experienced in this book? Onto Queen of Nothing (haha, it makes sense now).

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