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Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin

Review by Dorothy Requina

4 stars!

*Spoiler free


I’ve heard so many people say that this book was “just a guilty pleasure read” that “I read it knowing it would only be good for the hate-to-love romance,” but I actually enjoyed this book. Yes, the romance is a big part of it and you’re really just waiting for these two to fall in love, but I thought it was a good story along the way. Lou is a funny girl, honestly reminded me a little of Mia Covere from Nevernight a bit (minus the deadly assassin side). Reid was this stoic man who you KNEW Lou was going to be able to break down, bring down his “Holy walls” and show the actual man he was underneath and I was READY.

The world building was pretty basic, but I don’t think it needed too much to set you in their world. I thought learning about Lou and their witch clan’s abilities was unique. The magic system seems like there’s a lot more to it, and it’s only touched on in this book, but I expect to learn more about it in the next book.

The overall plot was kinda predictable, BUT was still interesting to me. I was more or less curious the whole time to see where the author would ultimately take the story and the ending was something I wasn’t expecting. It all come together in the end very nicely, setting up the story for book two.

Overall, an enjoyable story if you go in mostly for the romance and with low expectations for the plot.

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