3 stars. Spoiler free review!
Hmmm so... I didn't like this as much as I wanted to, but I liked it nonetheless. Definitely liked it enough to want to read the sequel.
This book was good. I wasn't blown away by anything, in fact, I found myself daydreaming a few times while glancing over the words to get to the ending, but there wasn't anything I particularly disliked either.
What I liked:
The magic system was pretty cool, I'm glad it wasn't as simple as each type of Shaman having one type of magic. There were subtypes within each of the magics and it added a nice level of complexity to the world.
Lots of cool creatures, love me a dragon that has the heart of a dog.
The short exchanges with the prince were cute and amusing, love me a soft boi. Even if it's not technically romantic, still liked those parts.
The main character is one sassy and fierce fighter, but her sass bordered annoying sometimes which made me like her a little less, though I generally enjoy the sassy type. Even so, I appreciated that she was such a fierce and competent fighter.
The plot itself was fast paced and though had areas that could be improved, didn't pull punches when it came to the deaths AND ultimately had a WILD ending.
What I didn't like:
The best friend and her whole situation was just sad. Very sad. Can't say why without mild spoilers, but her whole situation just made me sad and nothing made up for it. Plus there were no backstories of the best friends, which made her lack depth as a character as well.
The characters in general were rather flat, definitely a more plot-driven story than character driven
The political intrigue, what little of it we do get, with the Spider King being the "neutral" and the queen being aggressive for no reason didn't make sense to me
The whole idea of Sirscha needing to prove herself then finding herself as a part of "something bigger" felt unoriginal
Not enough history to make the world feel whole
Should I continue on to book two? I don't know yet. We shall see if the hype sways me when it comes out!
Sidenote: I feel like my curiosity always gets to me with the cliffhanger endings and no matter how much I don't enjoy the first book, I usually want to read the sequel just to figure out what the heck is supposed to happen next.
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