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Tempests and Slaughter

Tamora Pierce

3 stars! This review will be spoiler free!


I can't think of a better way to explain the plot of this book compared to the synopsis: "Arram Draper is a boy on the path to becoming one of the realm’s most powerful mages. The youngest student in his class at the Imperial University of Carthak, he has a Gift with unlimited potential for greatness–and for attracting danger. At his side are his two best friends: Varice, a clever girl with an often-overlooked talent, and Ozorne, the “leftover prince” with secret ambitions. Together, these three friends forge a bond that will one day shape kingdoms. And as Ozorne gets closer to the throne and Varice gets closer to Arram’s heart, Arram begins to realize that one day soon he will have to decide where his loyalties truly lie."

Initial thoughts:

I don't really know how to feel about this book. I was interested in the book, I kept reading, I liked the characters. But like... There's no plot? It's literally just you reading about these three kids as they excel incredibly fast through mage school (+ the occasional random political event). I loved the characters though, so that's really why I stayed. Aram is such an intriguing little boy. I have my suspicions already about where this series is going, but did they have to end the book on such a random note... Did I like it? yeah, it's alright. Would I recommend it? Nope. Will I continue? Maybe if the second book gets raving reviews, but I won't be going crazy for its release.


This book is plot-less, so what do I even call this section of my review. Like you know how when you think of a plot line, you imagine a line slowly rising to a peak (climax), then dropping down to level out. This literally felt like I was riding a straight line when it came to the plot. There are a few moments where things get stirred up, but these generally tend to die down after a few pages rather quickly. You have this feeling like the book is leading up to something? BUT you never really get to it. Or at least not in this book. Then it kind of just ends at random, on a cute scene, but random to me.

The day to day like of Aram Draper, though interesting because you get first hand experience of the magic system and the mage school, is quite average. It's those few moments when you're exposed to the rest of their world and those hints at what's to come that increased my overall enjoyment. You're really just there to read and observe for the small details that may or may not be hinting at something to come in the future. Like you're an investigator looking to see who will betray who, who will turn dark, who is the bad guy in disguise, that sort of thing.

On the plus side, the small snippets of romance we see are cute. I WISH THIS WAS POLY (polyamorous)! It would be so cute!


ARAM I love because he literally does not ever mean to do great things, but like.. He's just great. And can't help it. His power is nearly unheard of, but he's not super overpowered (he still knows his Master's are stronger and better at handling). He's humble despite his capabilities, but will not back down to bullies. He loves a girl, but is too afraid to make his move, which is kind of sweet to me. Those few fleeting moments of romance were such a nice surprise when they came. Though I seriously ship this as a poly-amorous relationship between all three of them.

OZORNE is someone I ABSO-BLOODY-LUTELY NEED FANART OF. I just picture him as the most stylish and gorgeous little princeling ever. And I love how his character is quite complex, but we can't yet tell how complex. He's got some personality "issues" going on that need some more delving into. He's so loyal though and has such a free heart.

VARICE is literally mom. Mom of the two. Loyal to the two, but in different ways. She's a good calm between the two headstrong boys. And they have a honorable protectiveness of Varice too.

PREET, you just need to meet her. She's important.


I loved the characters. I liked the hinted feeling that something was going to happen. I hated that nothing actually happened. Why does this book have like, no plot? I don't understand that. It's quite infuriating to realize i read this whole thing for it to just.... end. If I decide to read book two I'm hoping for 1) an actual plot. 2) more political intrigue! 3) more romance? maybe? 4) MORE ARAM. I love that boy.

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