5 stars! This review will contain no spoilers for Blue Lily, Lily Blue! However, there will be spoilers for The Raven Boys and The Dream Thieves!
Blue Lily, Lily Blue is the third installment in the Raven Boy Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. The basis of the plot was established in book one: Find Glendower. We got even more magic and craziness in book two: Greywaren and saving Cabeswater. Now in book three Maura has disappeared and Blue needs to find her. All we know is that she went “underground,” and the raven boys and Blue can only assume she means in the curious new cave that has appeared in Cabeswater. Gansey also believes that Glendower is down there, but apparently he’s not the only one. There are three sleepers. One to be woken, one to not.
I truly enjoyed reading this book even more than the first two. This one was an even faster read and even more things were revealed and there are even more crazy twists that happen. Oh my goodness pick up this series already if you haven’t just because the plot is so freakin’ GOOD! It’s adventurous, new and different, and FUN! I love it all!
If you didn’t pick up this series for the plot, then you must for the characters because they are even better. The raven boys including Gansey (my #1), Ronan, Noah, and Adam plus Blue just work so well as a team and everyone personalities mesh together like the perfect family. There’s also Blue’s family at 300 Fox Way who have a big part in this book and I like that. I like how family relationships are added into this series.
Oh and Maggie’s writing is just amazing! The way Maggie writes in this series is so different from anything I’ve ever read and it just works. There’s a way she’s able to convey a detail picture filled with emotion and environment that it just seems so real. Like you’re really there. Like you’re one of the boys or Blue. Gosh, I can’t think of anything I didn’t like at this point in time. It just blew me to pieces.
This book starts off barely any days away from where book two ended and it’s like you’ve never put the series down. Every time I picked up this book, I couldn’t make myself stop reading (unless I absolutely had to). These characters and their adventures are just so addicting to read about and everything is just so so fast-paced.
This book is going deeper into the mystery of finding Glendower and we get even more insight in the complex magic system. Not only that, but we get to know our dearest Gansey, Blue, Ronan, Adam, and Noah even more. Mostly Adam because we don’t really know how being Cabewater’s body has changed him, but you learn more about him in this book.
The adventures they going on are so unique. I’ve never read any kind of story like this one. And a good amount of the times, what you think is going to happen doesn’t happen, and something totally different comes along. I like how no matter who’s point of view I’m in, I don’t find myself bored at all. I used to get kinda bored in Adam’s, but now not at all! I really like getting to know every single character in this series. Another aspect to their adventures that I like is that not all of them have to be together all the time. Sometimes it’s just three of the them (or two and a ghost), sometimes only two of them are together (and when it’s Gansey+Blue my heart generally will skip a beat).
The romance is pretty subtle in this book, which actually doesn’t bother me at all. I like how it’s not at the forefront even though I’m a known cheesy romantic. It makes those chapters full of stolen touches and night meetings and phone calls all the better!
Oh! And we have some newcomers in this book that come to Henrietta to spice things up. They definitely through a wrench in their plans, but wait till you find out how they choose to handle that. Those raven boys are so creative.
I cannot talk about each any every character because there are so many, but just know Gansey is my favorite raven boy of course. Calla and Mr. Gray are my favorite adults. Blue is by favorite girl and not just because she’s the only one in the forefront of it all. She’s got guts and sensibility and cool freakin’ powers. I like how she’s developing a more fatherish-daughterish relationship with Mr. Gray in this book too. Mr. Gray seems to really care for this little family of psychics. Calla I just love because of her abrasive and blunt personality. She makes me laugh. Gansey gets even better in this book because we get to see into his mind more and know more of his feelings and see his “not-Richard-Gansey-III” side more, too. After Gansey, I love Ronan/Adam/Noah all equally. They each have their own attributes that make they lovable. Ronan is the remarkable Greywaren. Adam is the embodiment of Cabeswater. Noah is the little puppy ghost that just acts so cute all the time when he’s not being creepy.
The characters I don’t like I can’t talk about too much, but they’re Neeve and Piper Greenmantle. Let’s just say I can already feel how much trouble they are going to be.
READ IT. READ IT ASAP. Because the plot. Because the characters. Because Gansey and Blue especially. Because the writing is beautiful and you will be transported into the psychic world of Henrietta Virginia.
Thanks for reading! :)