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Heir of Fire

Sarah J. Maas

Non-spoilery review, contains no spoilers (except if you haven't read the books before this one)!

I didn't post a review for the first time I read this book, guess I was too excited to start the next one. So here is my official review of Heir of Fire after my reread! 5 STARS!


First thing I wanna say in the first chapter was, when she noticed the white tailed hawk and was like “oh, he wants to snatch food.” I thought.. NOPE.. That’s probably Rowan! And he’s here for you!

Besides that, I wanna say I truly loved this book, but there were some plot points that just had me like, WHAT... Example one being Sorscha and Dorian. What even is that. I hated their relationship. I know it was probably critical to the story in some sort of way to keep it going, but I could just have all that cut out and chopped up. Example two being Chaol and his naiveness. He's usually the super smart one, the one that gets things done. In this one, he makes a lot of mistakes... Ones that get people in trouble and ugh I can't say more because spoilers! Example three is the pacing of this story. Some parts I remember being really really really enticing and fast page turners. Other parts I remember just wanting to put the book down and go eat a snack or something. Aside from those few things, those parts I mentioned that were enticing were SO GOOD and SO WORTH. I'm just going to be Captain Obvious and say, my favorite scenes were the Rowan and Aelin scenes. Mostly the ones toward the end, but even when they were complete assholes to each other, I loved it.


Aelin goes through some serious development in this book. She really comes all the way around and lots of unknowns are brought to light through this novel. A new character is introduced with her, Rowan, and he is an utter jackass the entire first half. Just let him warm up to you though. He gets better I promise!

On the other side of the world we have Chaol and Dorian still. Dorian is trying to keep his powers in check. Chaol, the ever loyal, is still trying to serve his country while protecting his best friend from the country is trying to serve. Clearly, that leads to a lot of complications. Along with then we get another new one, Aedion! Oh dear Aedion. He is another one of my faves next to Rowan. His personality and dedication to his lost queen just makes Aedion a very endearing cousin and character.


I really enjoyed this book. I remember after my first read through the series, this was easily my favorite book before I had gotten to QoS. Every book just gets better and better and even when I found a few flaws in my opinion of the plot. I still thoroughly loved reading this book.

Oh & isn't this UK cover just so gorgeous!

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