Queen of Shadows is the fourth installment in the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas and if you didn't know that you must be living under an enormous rock because this series is LIFE to me. I LOVE this series so so so so much. It's easily one my favorite young adult series and most definitely my favorite series of 2015 (since I only started reading them this summer/fall).
Best book in the series so far! You can defintiely see Maas's development in her writing. Her world building is absolutely amazing. And the world of Erilea just keeps getting bigger and bigger with more people and more light shed on areas previously mentioned in book one. Like, looking back to book one just leaves me astouded by how much has happened and how much we know now about each and every character and even the creatures. Plot = 5 stars Characters = 5 stars Tension = 5 stars Pacing = 5 stars Action = 5 stars Complete, utter badassness = a million stars! Can you tell how much I loved this book?!
Okay so! So much happens in QoS that your heart strings are just getting tugged in all kinds of ways. You're never bored and you never want to put it down. (*spoilers start here* you've been warned)
The feels:
I can just start by saying that everything got 98163458763486925x better for me when Rowan finally showed up! I am SO HAPPY Rowan and Aelin are together. I totally ship ship ship! Rowan is just so AWESOME! He's 1) Fae, 2) gorgeous, 3) has amazing powers, 4) knows exactly how to protect and treat Aelin, 5) is super loyal, and 6) is also a major badass! Aelin has always and forever been a badass since book one, so she defintiely did not disappoint in this book. Another realtionship I am fond of is Aelin and Lysandra. Now that they're all buddy buddy, I'm happy Aelin has a friend that's a girl that has way to protect herself because shes a... wait for it... shape shifter! What?! Who saw that coming. And Rowan over here revealing everyone's secrets with his crazy good nose. Which reminds me! There was always comic relief somewhere that for every part of the book you are either: laughing, crying, hyperventilating because of the suspense, or all three. Sarah J. Maas just knows how to pull emotions out of her readers.
The plot:
Moving on, many plot lines were finally tied up in book four. With Aedion being rescued. With Aelin and Dorian killing the king (what about that coffession of being possesed by a Valg prince though? Believeable or not?). With Rowan, Lysandra & Evangeline, Aedion, and Aelin making it to Terrasen (Who else ships Lysandra and Aedion?). And so much more, but those are my personal fave happy endings (for now). I could just tell everything is gonna change once the next book comes out. Even as ends were tied up, new strings were laid out for new plots to take place. Like Chaol and Nesryn. Like Manon and her coven and sorta Dorian because I really wanna k now where that friendship is going to go. And when is Elide going to meet Aelin?
Altogether, a 100% satifying read. I don't think there's anything I would have wanted to happen that didn't. I just can't wait for book five now. I really wanna know where each point of view is going to lead us and how the story is gonna continue to unravel and develop.