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Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

Review by Dorothy Requina

This is the first book in the Falling Kingdoms series. I decided to start this series because it had tons of great reviews on bookstagram and booktube, so I thought why not?


I thoroughly enjoyed reading Falling Kingdoms. This book was written so well. The suspense just keeps you wanting to turn page after page after page. I could've read this in one sitting to be honest.

Plot: 4/5 stars. There was lots of action and questions that needed to be answered. Everything rolled out at a pretty fast pace that you just had to keep on reading. I really like the multiple points of view in each kingdom. Having so much knowledge of all the characters makes you love them all so much, but still you can't grow too attached because you don't know who's safe (you'll understand when you read it)! I do have to mention that some things happened to easily and were over really quick before you really had time to dwell on the subject and form your own theories. There was also some insta-love which I don't usually mind, but this time... It was just extra instantaneous. I just think certain parts needed more development of feelings or more drawn out struggles. Even with that, I still thought this book was enjoyable and a quick paced read. Characters: 4/5 stars. Magnus was my absolute favorite POV. I just felt like I needed, NEEDED to know what was happening in his kingdom because I was always left with more questions than answers when the book switched away from Magnus's point of view. Cleo was fascinating yet stupidly reckless. She made some pretty bratty decisions without thinking of the real consequences, but she soon began to gain some resolve toward the last 50 pages or so and I needed that before she became totally insufferable. Jonas is one I can't decide if I like or not. He's still left kinda a mystery to me at the end of book one, so I'm excited to see how he develops. However, being in him mind sometimes, I felt he was either smart and observant OR thoughtless and wrathful. Hence my unsureness about liking him. I LOVED ALL SIDE CHARACTERS, but there are too many to mention haha. Just know, the amount of characters is a little overwhelming at first and I had to keep going back to the front pages to know who was who, but after about 100 pages I could already put a face to the name. Overall: a 4 star for me! I will definitely continue with this series. I'm happy I started because it's become one of my favorite ongoing series this year.

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