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Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

Review by Dorothy Requina

Clockwork Angel is the first installment in The Infernal Devices trilogy. A well loved and super hyped trilogy I might add, which gave me very high expectations. Bad idea. I should not have read it with as high expectations as I did. No doubt, I will finish the trilogy, but I must say the first book was pretty slow and some of the choices the characters made really got on my nerves. I guess most of my qualms are with the plot since I liked everything else. The action was wonderful. The descriptions and world building were much much better than TMI. Clockwork Angel was by no means a boring or bad book! I was just expecting way too much from a first in a series. I've heard the sequels just get better from here, so I'm hoping that's true & I will not go into them with super high expectations this time.

I thought I should also mention I audibled a good 2/3 of the book on a trip to and from Washington D.C. I think I gave the audible around a 3.5/5 because the speaker was about a 3 and the story was a 4. So, if you want to audible the first book, the narrator is actually pretty okay in my opinion.

Back to the book! This part of the review is SPOILERY!

(*spoilers begin here* you've been warned)

Plot: 3.5/5 for me. I don't know how or why but I had this nagging feeling it was Mortmain all along. He was just too easy to give up deQuincey. There were also times too where I found some of the decisions the girls made so utterly stupid. Like when Tessa just disregards the entire plan at deQuinceys and almost got herself killed. Yes, her brother was there, but did she expect the shadowehunters to just leave him. Or did she have to scream out WILL WILL WILL. Then Jessamine theres Jessamine and her actions.. I'll get into that later. Still, the fighting scenes were a huge pick up for this book and Tessa tricking the Magister at the end was my absolute favorite part! I did not expect that one, nope. Characters: Tessa; I like her, but sometimes I'm just like... Stop being such a kid. And I don't know. Be smart geezus. Jem; If you follow me on bookstagram you already know.. Love love love his character!! He is so sweet and gentle and caring and cute and soft spoken and understanding and ahhhhh. Jem is my little precious teddy bear. Will is just so arrogant. Even worse than Jace from TMI so I find that a little overboard for my tastes. He also bring so many questions to my mind. Like I know pretty much nothing about him still. Hopefully that changes soon. Jessamine is an INSUFFERABLE PRICK. There are always characters like this in series and they are always the ones that grind on my nerves. I know thats how theyre supposed to be written, but some of the things she says makes me want to slap her. Overall: I enjoyed the ride and will continue the series of course. I heard it gets better as you move onto the next book. So fingers crossed!

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