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If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha

Review by Dorothy Requina

1 star. Spoiler-free review.

I understood the point this book was trying to make, but I didn’t vibe with the way it was delivered. That's the best way I can explain why this book wasn't for me and why I didn't like it.

  • You can only tell me "women are ugly if they aren't perfect" so many times before I finally think there’s no salvation to how much this book was harping on beauty standards. It was constant, and I expected it to be there often, but it was incessant and without ever addressing why it’s horrible, vile, and unfair.

  • There was only one character I liked and it’s because she actually had a back story and her back story was pretty cool -- silent hairstylist who was actually a gang member??? -- Excuse me, that's freaking awesome. Aaaaand she gave no fxcks when it came to getting revenge. Loved her.

  • Every one else I literally do not even care about, and have nearly forgotten by this point. Don't even know their names anymore. Especially the one who like sucks at her job and is pregnant, like she was just straight up weird and that's all I remember about her.

    • If that doesn't tell you how forgettable and unusual my experience with this book was, I don't know what will.

  • Then the ending was a complete disappointment! I thought that eventually you would get all the different girls together in this book and see what they would all be like as friends, but literally by the time they all finally met up, the book ended???

  • The final message was lost on me I guess

Overall, not for me. I don’t deny that this book has a serious topic it’s addressing, but I feel like it didn’t speak enough on why these beauty standard should be put to rest and why the male / female double standards are detrimental to society. It kind of just kept bombarding you with all the BAD over and over again. Do not recommend, sorry!


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*This is usually the section where I put "If you liked this, then you may like:" but I've actually never read a book like this before, so if you have recommendations for similar concepts (that may have been executed differently or better), I'd love to know!

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