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Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Swan Series Review

Series Review by Dorothy Requina

In an effort to catch up on the back log of reviews I need to write, I've decided to review this series as a whole. Altogether, I'd give the series 3 stars. Here's my breakdown of individual books: Crazy Rich Asians was a 2.5 star, China Rich Girlfriend was a 3 star, and Rich People Problems was a 3 star read for me.

I binged this series not because I was die-hard-loving it, but because I just kept waiting for something better each book. Now, individually they weren't bad by any means. Just mediocre? I feel like I've read better without causing me so much stress from the drama and slurs and spending and classism. Trina (Between Chapters) had the best TW/CW’s already listed, so check out her review to see them! Anyhow, it felt like a chore to push through them. They are longer than the casual contemporary/romance and do delve into Chinese culture/traditions (both healthy and unhealthy of course) so those deeper topics can really exhaust you when you read.


This is spoiler free, but I will touch of a few of the things I particularly liked or disliked in each book below! Sorry if my reviews become more and more vague, only to avoid those pesky spoilers!

Crazy Rich Asians

  • Book one focuses much more on Rachel and Nick, but it didn't feel romance-y, more slice-of-life or drama really (though there is an unnecessary endless number of side characters).

  • The main love interest is your standard boring "I don't actually know how rich I am" drop dead gorgeous man -- completely FLAT. No depth whatsoever to who he is other than where he stands in the hierarchy of his family.

  • I disliked that he did not even attempt to prepare Rachel for meeting his family. That kind of overlook infuriated me in the book and I felt was tackled better on the back end in the movie.

  • TONS of drama, so if that can sustain you, you're set (which it did for me because I was just waiting for the blow up).

  • The TWIST at the end is wild. Did not see that coming. And is a major reason why I wanted to keep reading the series.

  • Movie was better >>>

China Rich Girlfriend

  • Again, I was living for the drama. If you like that kind of thing, especially like in shows like Gossip Girl, you will probably still enjoy this book just from the drama alone.

  • A lot of the plot is stuff happening TO Rachel and Nick rather than Rachel/Nick taking an active role in pushing the plot forward. It's definitely not meant to be a plot heavy or character rich story (at least I don't think that was the point), the point is definitely "how much drama can we instigate in one book."

  • There's still a billion amount of side characters; some of them having their own side plot thrown in here and there. Sometimes this contributed to the overall plot, but often it felt unnecessary and scrambled.

  • There's one exception to that, and that's Astrid's story. I love Astrid and her loyalty, even when she's loyal to a fault.

  • The ending felt like a BIG CRASH AND BURN clusterfxck, but was still ultimately entertaining.

  • I'd still watch a sequel if it was made.

Rich People Problems

  • Astrid carried this entire book.

  • DRAMA to the EXTREME, but at this point, why else are you reading these books, it's not the writing, character or plot.

  • Some characters made me so ANGRY or annoyed, like I kept thinking "wtf is wrong with you people.."

  • SO SO SO much build up to what was just an okay ending, it felt a tad anticlimactic with a sprinkle of wholesomeness I guess?


  • Bingability? HIGH

  • DRAMA? the only thing this series has going for it and why it feels so bingable! otherwise...

    • Plot? 2/5

    • Main characters? 2/5

    • Side characters? 3/5

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