2.5 stars!
This book reminds me a lot of The Lunar Chronicles, but obviously a retelling of Anastasia (as it's marketed) instead of Cinderella, etc. If you liked TLC, you would probably like this series too. I however, didn't like it nearly as much as TLC and so won't continue. I was kind of really weirded out my the romance in the beginning because sometimes it's just not possible for me to wrap my head around interspecies relationships (human + Android), that's probably a personal thing, but eh, I can't help it. I did love the characters as themselves though! Loved the mom-figure and how she loves another female, the funny mechanic, the straight-faced super smart Android type that over-computes everything, and the girl lead that follows her heart no matter what. The plot was straight forward, a complete retelling of Anastasia, if you're familiar with the story. Sad to say there weren't any crazy twists to make this story unique, EXCEPT the very last plot twist that sets the story for where book two will pick up. Unfortunately, it still wasn't exciting enough for me to want to continue the series.