So this is absolutely not important, but I just wanted to say that I started medical school about 3 weeks ago and wow... Life's gotten busy! I officially have realized I have about zero minutes of time to read now and so the reviews and books read will decrease exponentially now. I will do my best to chug out what I can because I love books and I love reviewing them, but I don't know what school is going to throw at me in the future. Fingers crossed I will survive and at least be able to read 1-2 books a month.
My review style may change as well. I go very in depth into the plot and characters, but just to be more efficient and save time, I will likely just make my "thoughts" section longer to include more plot/character stuff and only single out specific characters/plot points separately if I feel strongly about them.
Anyways, thanks for being a part of this fam we have going! I love producing content for all of you and hope to keep doing it!
Happy reading,