My final Uppercase box review! LOVE LOVE LOVE this one. This is likely my favorite of the three I received because I got another edition of Dance of Thieves. Obviously if I'm being sent a book I already own, I had to have wanted it right? Plus all these cute goodies that came in this one! I'm probably going to turn one of the card into an art print alone so that I can put it on my wall because it's crazy adorable. Love this box!
Full contents:
Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson (signed!)
Dance of Thieves sword necklace
Harry Potter 9 3/4 travel journal
Rare Edition Greeting Cards (exclusive!)
+ Letter from the curator
Definitely give Upperbox a chance if you'd like to be sent book that the curators love themselves along with some useful bookish items (and not so many too, so you don't accumulate a bunch of junk you won't use)!
Check them out here: Uppercase!
ALSO! I think I'm going to do a giveaway for the edition of Dance of Thieves I bought myself earlier this month, so that I don't have to have multiple copies. I'll be hosting this giveaway when I hit 8k and I'll be throwing in some extra goodies so keep a look out!
FTC: Thank you to Uppercase for sending me these boxes the past 3 months! It's been wonderful working with you. I've always wanted to be sent one of these boxes and now dreams have come true!